Lutte contre la corruption, confiance du public et transparence organisationnelle 

La lutte contre la corruption, la confiance du public et la transparence organisationnelle sont des principes interdépendants nécessaires pour instaurer la confiance dans le gouvernement et le secteur privé. Les efforts de lutte contre la corruption visent à prévenir et à traiter les pratiques contraires à l’éthique, en veillant à ce que les ressources publiques soient utilisées de manière responsable et que le processus décisionnel soit équitable et responsable. Promouvoir la transparence organisationnelle signifie que les entreprises se transmettent ouvertement des renseignements sur leurs opérations, leurs pratiques financières et leur gouvernance, réduisant ainsi les possibilités de corruption. Cela renforce la confiance du public, car les Canadiens peuvent être sûrs que les organisations agissent au mieux de leurs intérêts.  

Activités liées à ce thème : 

Transparence des dépenses publiques 

Divulgation de la propriété bénéficiaire et transparence organisationnelle 

Renforcer et appliquer la réglementation en matière de lutte contre la corruption et de conformité 

Stronger Conflict of Interest and Lobbying legislation, including releasing open data on a schedule on investigations

par  anonyme

01 mars 2025

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19  Vues

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  • Report Lobbying in Real-Time (Open Data). Lobbying Registry needs to expand what information is released so that it is more clear what is discussed.
  • Define Lobbying and broaden the description
  • Easier Access to Lobbying Information
  • Cover More people and organizations under LA 
  • Specifically address risks of hidden lobbying
  • Ban Former Officials from Lobbying a longer time period
  • Track Gifts and Benefits- clearer guidance that is public
  • Empower the Commissioner: The Commissioner of Lobbying and the Ethics Commissioner should have more independence and power to investigate and punish violations. 
  • Ask for Public Feedback: The government should regularly ask the public for their opinions on how well the Lobbying and Conflict of Interest Acts are working. This could help find problems and fix them faster. - Public consultation!
  • Educate the Public: Many people don’t fully understand lobbying or conflict of interest rules. Running public awareness campaigns would help people recognize when 
  • Simplify the Guidelines in plain language
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2 meilleures idées

Stronger Conflict of Interest and Lobbying legislation, including releasing open data on a schedule on investigations

 votes positifs

 votes négatifs

Report Lobbying in Real-Time (Open Data). Lobbying Registry needs to expand what information is released so that it is more clear what is discussed. Define Lobbying and broaden the description Easier Access to Lobbying Information Cover More people and organizations under LA  Specifically address risks of hidden lobbying Ban Former Officials from Lobbying a longer time period Track Gifts and Benefits- clearer guidance that is public Empower the Commissioner: The Commissioner of Lobbying and the Ethics Commissioner should have more independence and power to investigate and punish violations.      Ask for Public Feedback: The government should regularly ask the public for their opinions on how well the Lobbying and Conflict of Interest Acts are working. This could help find problems and fix them faster. - Public consultation! Educate the Public: Many people don’t fully understand lobbying or conflict of interest rules. Running public awareness campaigns would help people recognize when  Simplify the Guidelines in plain language

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